Hardpack is a state-of-the-art shipping and order fulfillment facility operating out of an 18,000 square foot warehouse in Southern Vermont located along the Route 7 corridor.
Are you...?
- A manufacturer or importer looking to outsource your receiving and shipping operations?
- Tired of packing and shipping your own products?
- Determined to spend more of your time on your product research, development, manufacture and marketing, and less time handling, storing and shipping your product?
- In need of short or long term climate-controlled storage of your overstock inventory?
- Looking for someone to handle all the freight logistics involved with receiving and shipping your product?
- Ready for someone else to perform your quality control inspections to your exact standards?
If you can answer “YES” to any of these questions…HARDPACK can HELP!
what our
had to say:
" Thank you
for another GREAT job! "
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